A wonderful Minister to Follow

If you don't have a home church and desire to be fed spiritual knowledge and wisdom, a great minister to look up is Joel Osteen.  I love his sermons.  He's a minister, a pastor, a preacher, a televangelist and very inspirational speaker.  You can't find a sermon where he ever causes his followers to feel condemned for so called falling short.  He is a very sympathetic and compassionate minister and his sermons are wroth in love and acceptance.  If you are considering becoming a believer or would like to learn more about the bible and how to establish a relationship with the Creator, he is the minister that you should begin your journey with.
His teachings will help guide you to a church in your area that resonates and harmonizes with the love and acceptance of God that every believer should be aware of.  I am not knocking any other ministers out there.  There are tons of ministers I listen to daily, that I love also.  Joel Osteen is my number one pick for a new believer who absolutely has no idea what it means to be spiritually grounded in God or to even have a relationship with God.  His mild and effective sermons will build up anyone's spirit, no matter what kind of background they come from, what they may have experienced or how guilty they may feel for some of the choices they made in their life.  He is a perfect example, in my opinion, of what a minister of God and Apostle of Jesus should be: loving, caring and empathetic.  I love him because he speaks mainly on the goodness of God and being obedient to the Holy Spirit, rather than focusing on sin, which everyone does anyway, just about everyday in their lives, because no one is perfect.  Focusing on how wonderful God the Father truly is, learning to trust in the Holy Spirit and believing that you are one of His children, definitely causes one to desire to reflect the Heavenly Father to others, so one would begin to make better choices, walk more in love towards others and be the best person that they could possibly be.

Click Here if you would like to see more information on Joel Osteen

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