The Ankh - A Sacred Egyptian Symbol

A few weeks ago, I posted up a video by Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) from You Tube about the 13 Ancient Symbols of Power that most of us were taught to fear and stay away from because they were "evil".  After watching this video and noticing that a lot of the places that I spend my money in are using these very same symbols in their signs posted outside their doors, I was inspired to research each symbol to find out exactly what they mean and possibly why certain stores use them in their names, if they are so called evil.

The Ankh is an Ancient Egyptian symbol, known as the Key of Life or the Key of Nile.  It sort of looks like a cross with a handle and symbolizes fertility, conception and eternal life.  Most Egyptian gods and goddess' were portrayed carrying it by its loop, or holding one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.  The loop of the Ankh is believed to represent the Nile River, and the cross represents the path of the sun from east to west, symbolizing life and immortality.