Informative Videos

Young Enlightened Minds
Click here and see a video of two young enlightened minds having a conversation about almost everything.

15 minutes is all you really need!
In this video Bashar teaches his followers how to begin changing their lives into more enjoyable experiences.  Very Informative and practical.  I love clarity and he is very clear and to the point!  Click the link to see the video.

If you want to understand why your life looks the way it looks, look at the thoughts that you are thinking about yourself right now...what do you think about yourself?

You create your own reality because you get what you think about, whether you want it or not.  So you see, you are always getting exactly what it is that you want.

You are a powerful Creator.  You are Co-Creating your life with the Divine Source, who is the Creator, God and God, The All that is, is always giving you that which you desire.  What do you think about yourself?  That is what you are allowing the Creator to create for you through you.  If you begin to focus on that which you want to see in yourself and in your life, than you are allowing, through your creative power, the Almighty Creator to create that for you.

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