Nature Abhors a Vacuum?

Today, during my morning spiritual practices, I felt the need to change things up a bit.  Some of the things I usually do in the morning, I decided not to do, it was like an inner knowing.  I didn't pray out loud like I usually do, except when I got to the interval when I usually pray in tongues.  I prayed on the inside, I could feel the words of my daily morning prayers percolating in my mind and body as I began to become one with them.  I decided to meditate a little longer.  I usually meditate in 2 intervals of 15 minutes during the week (I meditate longer on the weekends) in the morning.  Today, I meditated for 15 minutes and then 2 intervals of 10 minutes and that really felt good.  Then something prompted me to take an Angel Card Reading.  I usually only do those readings, when I feel called to, because when using divination tools, such as Angels Cards, dice or number readings, etc., you must really be clear or your messages will be muddy.  The card I received was Angel Bridgette and the card looks like this....