Vision Boards

Did you know that vision boards are a wonderful and useful tool that anyone can use to manifest their desires and dreams?  Click read more to find out how you can fuse your vision board technique with the use of and instantly generate a nifty tool that you can access at anytime and anywhere, that costs you nothing!

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Which of these symbols is the most appropriate for a physician to display?

The Caduceus is a globally recognized icon for medicine and healthcare, however, the Rod of Asclepius would actually be more symbolically relevant for those who practice medicine to display, claiming to offer remedy and healing.  In mythology, Hermes was associated with magic and death.  It was said that he lead the dead to the underworld - precisely the opposite of what physicians intend to do with their patients, well, most of them, I'm sure we all hope.  However, the US Army was accredited with making the Caduceus icon recognizable in 1902, using it to distinguish their military physicians in their Medical Corps., humm...

The Hamsa - An Arabic Amulet

The Hamsa amulet, the image of the open divine hand, is a universal sign of protection, traced all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia.  It's origin is actually unknown, however this artifact was a symbol of divine protection from the evil eye and other dangers and is also used to boost fertility, lactation, promote healthy pregnancy and to strengthen the weak.  It is also referred to as the hand of Fatima, Hand of Venus (Aprodite), the Hand of Mary and the Hand-of-the-All-Goddess, Mano Pantea.  The Hamsa hand is known by many names however, including Hamesh Hand, Khamasa and Chamsa.  Back during it's time, those who practiced Islam associated it with the number 5, the pentagram of the five senses, marriage, the Five Pillars of Islam, the five daily prayers and the Hand of Fatima, Prophet Mohammad's daughter.  These women who practiced Islam were under immense pressure and expectation to hold the exclusive role of becoming a mother, so child bearing was a necessity as their upbringing was centered around preparing for motherhood.

The Ankh - A Sacred Egyptian Symbol

A few weeks ago, I posted up a video by Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) from You Tube about the 13 Ancient Symbols of Power that most of us were taught to fear and stay away from because they were "evil".  After watching this video and noticing that a lot of the places that I spend my money in are using these very same symbols in their signs posted outside their doors, I was inspired to research each symbol to find out exactly what they mean and possibly why certain stores use them in their names, if they are so called evil.

The Ankh is an Ancient Egyptian symbol, known as the Key of Life or the Key of Nile.  It sort of looks like a cross with a handle and symbolizes fertility, conception and eternal life.  Most Egyptian gods and goddess' were portrayed carrying it by its loop, or holding one in each hand, arms crossed over their chest.  The loop of the Ankh is believed to represent the Nile River, and the cross represents the path of the sun from east to west, symbolizing life and immortality.

A wonderful Minister to Follow

If you don't have a home church and desire to be fed spiritual knowledge and wisdom, a great minister to look up is Joel Osteen.  I love his sermons.  He's a minister, a pastor, a preacher, a televangelist and very inspirational speaker.  You can't find a sermon where he ever causes his followers to feel condemned for so called falling short.  He is a very sympathetic and compassionate minister and his sermons are wroth in love and acceptance.  If you are considering becoming a believer or would like to learn more about the bible and how to establish a relationship with the Creator, he is the minister that you should begin your journey with.

13 Ancient Symbols to Change Your Life

Ralph of Infinite Waters (Diving Deep) is a famous teacher on youtube.  He recently posted a video on 13 symbols that can change your life.  I thought that I would post this very informative video for those who haven't had the chance to hear his wonderful insights, infinite knowledge of living the greatest version of yourself and/or the truth behind these ancient symbols of power.  The Ankh is one of the symbols that I have adopted into my spiritual practices.  I received it as a gift from someone I didn't even know and once I put it one, I never wanted to take it off.  After watching this video, Ralph has inspired me to incorporate 12 more symbols into my spiritual practice to help enhance, empower and assist me in experiencing the ease, fun and enjoyment I desire to attain daily in my life and awareness.  I hope that he inspires you as well.

PS - You might have noticed that I only included 12 symbols in the picture above on this post.  To find out what the 13th symbol is watch the video below or simply go and look in the mirror - LOL!

Blessings, Love, Light & Favor!  Please Enjoy!

Nature Abhors a Vacuum?

Today, during my morning spiritual practices, I felt the need to change things up a bit.  Some of the things I usually do in the morning, I decided not to do, it was like an inner knowing.  I didn't pray out loud like I usually do, except when I got to the interval when I usually pray in tongues.  I prayed on the inside, I could feel the words of my daily morning prayers percolating in my mind and body as I began to become one with them.  I decided to meditate a little longer.  I usually meditate in 2 intervals of 15 minutes during the week (I meditate longer on the weekends) in the morning.  Today, I meditated for 15 minutes and then 2 intervals of 10 minutes and that really felt good.  Then something prompted me to take an Angel Card Reading.  I usually only do those readings, when I feel called to, because when using divination tools, such as Angels Cards, dice or number readings, etc., you must really be clear or your messages will be muddy.  The card I received was Angel Bridgette and the card looks like this....

Establishing Balance to Create Inner & Outer Harmony

I feel that one of the most important things one could learn to master in life is The Art of Balance.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to posses the ability to divide your time evenly between your own personal pleasure and well-being, work and family?