The Hamsa - An Arabic Amulet

The Hamsa amulet, the image of the open divine hand, is a universal sign of protection, traced all the way back to ancient Mesopotamia.  It's origin is actually unknown, however this artifact was a symbol of divine protection from the evil eye and other dangers and is also used to boost fertility, lactation, promote healthy pregnancy and to strengthen the weak.  It is also referred to as the hand of Fatima, Hand of Venus (Aprodite), the Hand of Mary and the Hand-of-the-All-Goddess, Mano Pantea.  The Hamsa hand is known by many names however, including Hamesh Hand, Khamasa and Chamsa.  Back during it's time, those who practiced Islam associated it with the number 5, the pentagram of the five senses, marriage, the Five Pillars of Islam, the five daily prayers and the Hand of Fatima, Prophet Mohammad's daughter.  These women who practiced Islam were under immense pressure and expectation to hold the exclusive role of becoming a mother, so child bearing was a necessity as their upbringing was centered around preparing for motherhood.