Vision Boards

A vision board is a tool or means by which one would utilize to enhance or help clarify, concentrate and maintain focus on a specific life goal or desired object/item.  Literally, a vision board is a display of images that most best represents whatever you would like to have, be or do in your life and it really works.  Do not underestimate the power of imagery in manifesting or achieving whatever it is that you could possibly desire.  The bible teaches that before you can receive/have/experience it, you must first believe that you have already achieved/attained it.  A vision board can assist you in that.  All you have to do is get a few pictures together of things that represent what you would like to experience or have materialized in your life and make a collage.  Place it in a certain place that you can go and reflect upon whenever you desire, preferably a few times everyday, if possible.  See yourself with the items or doing the thing or having the experience of it and feel all the emotions that you would like to feel if you attain.  This is very important.  The higher the emotions you generate the better the journey will feel towards the attraction of it.  

For example:
Say there were two little girls, the same age, growing up in the same household though.  Receiving the same well-manner of training from the care-givers.  Equally having their needs met as they grew up together.  They both were told that they had to become teachers when they finished college.  One girl accepted the demand from the care-givers, but really wanted to be a model.  The other little girl, loved the idea and practiced being a teacher when playing make believe with other children.  The other little girl that accepted the demand placed upon her didn't even like school, but loved clothes and played dress up and gave make believe fashion shows with her friends.  Now, when it was time to go to college to finish what was demanded upon her, she struggled and dreaded every minute of school, but achieved her teaching degree.  The girl that had practiced teaching when she was younger floated through her teachings and received her degree like a breeze with ease.  Can you see the difference?  Although they both received their degrees, one enjoyed her journey, while the other young girl achieved her degree in turmoil.  She really didn't want to be a teacher, but those who had charge over her insisted on it and since she didn't want to disappoint them she wound up pursuing a career she didn't really want or appreciate and it was a drag. 

The truth is most of us have experienced this in our lives.  We have achieved degrees in areas of studies that we had no interest in and are living lives in a career or job that we hate because we wanted to please our parents or someone else that we loved and are close to.  As adults, we can take back our lives.  We can have, be and do the things we never thought were possible just by utilizing our person ability to focus and
feel.  That is where the vision board comes in.  It's not time consuming or strenuous.  If you have a large family, everyone can do this together as a family project and I'm sure it will bring you all closer.  And in our ultra digital age, we can also create vision boards to display on computer screens and mobile devices, so that they are more easily accessible.  
A very useful and helpful website that can assist anyone of any age would be  I love this site.  I have lots of vision boards that I add items to daily.  Every morning, I look at certain boards and say thank you God, thank you God, thank you God as if I already received it.  I imagine possessing the items or experiencing the venture with feelings of ease, fun and enjoyment.  I even keep some boards private for my eyes only and for those who I choose to share them with. 
If your not the artsy crafty person, would be a wonderful site to register for to begin your journey to manifesting your desires and achieving your dreams, in a manner that is fun and enjoyable.  I sure hope the information I have presented you with in the post has been both helpful and interesting.

Love, Light & Favor! PEACE!

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